Eye Testing
Natasha is an appointed panelist for eye testing under the BVA/KC/ISDS Canine Health Schemes.
The main purpose of the scheme is to ensure that there is no evidence of hereditary eye disease in dogs used for breeding so that breeders can make more informed choices. Litters under the age of 12 weeks can be tested for congenital hereditary ocular diseases. Some breeds may have an additional eye test called gonioscopy, to test for their susceptibility for glaucoma.
Usually drops are applied to the eyes to dilate the pupil, so please arrive 20 minutes early for the appointment to allow for this. It is essential that the dog is microchipped, and that the original Kennel Club registration document and most recent previous eye tests (if applicable) are produced at the time. Failure to provide the paperwork will result in the test going ahead, but the paperwork will be withheld until the required documentation is forwarded.
Appointments are available in Limerick, and also once monthly in Cork and in Galway, and these appointments should be booked directly with those clinics.
Examinations at a reduced rate are available for groups of 25 dogs or more.
Please email if you wish to enquire further about group testing.